Das Wunderland von Alice

Eine Hommage an Lewis Carroll

The all-time classic as a digital artwork. A modern wonderland, based on the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll written in 1865. The immersive 3D shows are based on the story of Alice and take visitors on a magical journey into a fantastic daydream.

A surreal vision in which time appears to pass differently. A vibrant world of fantasy landscapes, rabbits, queens and other whimsical creatures. Alice’s Wonderland is not only full of eccentric figures, in the Kunstkraftwerk version it also comes to life through light, animations, 3D effects and music.

Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig ®

Art Direction:
Pixel Shapes

Animation Design:
Pixel Shapes, Inzist, Momap Studio, Kanaka, Studio Leandro Summo

Sound Design:
Steve Bryson


opening TIMES

Thu-Sun & Holydays

Last entry:
One hour before Exhibition closing

ca 90 Mins


Vollzahler (WE+Feiertage) € 17
Adult € 15
Ermaßigt € 12
Family Ticket € 40
Groups € 12
School Groups € 5
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