
Industrial culture in Leipzig

“Places that are now home to the creative industries, the leisure industry or even families with children were filled with heat, noise and soot not so long ago…”

Boomtown is a unique opportunity to rediscover your own history with a rousing, captivating show.

In our show, we present the social change and transformation from industry with smoking chimneys to Lindenau and Plagwitz as we know it today.
Not only are we taking you on a journey through almost 150 years of Leipzig’s industrial history, we have also created a special sound experience for you!

The playlist includes a variation of Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Goldberg Variations” and German dance songs from the 1029s and 1930s.
Original sounds from Lindenau’s St Philip’s Church on the Karl Heine Canal can also be heard.

Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig ®

Artistic Direction:
Ginevra Napoleoni

Art Design:
Ginevra Napoleoni, KUBA

Sound Design:
Lorenzo Pagliei


opening TIMES

Thu-Sun & Holydays

Last entry:
One hour before Exhibition closing

ca 90 Mins


Vollzahler (WE+Feiertage) € 17
Adult € 15
Ermaßigt € 12
Family Ticket € 40
Groups € 12
School Groups € 5


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